Dr. Chesler made the San Diego Chargers Football program! This year will be the 3rd year she will team up with #TeamSmile and the #sandiego #chargers to give back to the children of San Diego. #drchesler #encinitasdentist #dentaldiva #givingback
Dr. Chesler made the San Diego Chargers Football program! This year will be the 3rd year she will team up with #TeamSmile and the #sandiego #chargers to give back to the children of San Diego. #drchesler #encinitasdentist #dentaldiva #givingback
Dr. Trang Chesler and her dental assistant Kenzie Barrett perform dental exams on one of 300 Chula Vista elementary school students during the 2nd Annual TeamSmile event with the San Diego Chargers at Qualcomm Stadium. – San Diego Union Tribune, October 28, 2015
Dr. Trang Chesler teamed up with the San Diego Chargers and Team Smile to provide free dental care for under-served children in San Diego during the 1st Annual TeamSmile Event on October 14, 2014.
Dr. Trang Chesler and her sister, Chau Hutcheson, RDH, along with five dental colleagues and Dentistry from the Heart volunteered their time by providing free dental exams, fillings, extractions and cleanings to 62 under-served patients in Orange County.